More Exercises to Increase Happiness


More and more scientific research is coming out that the systematic practice of building gratitude will help you be happier.  A new study showed that you could boost your happiness by 25% and keep it there by taking actions that build gratitude.



Here are some gratitude building exercises and actions:


  1. Pick one of your five senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch) and for a day use that sense to look for the gifts that the world gives you. Be thankful for these gifts.

  3. Pick a person you spend time with and observe their gestures, words, and actions that reflect their inner goodness.  Be grateful for the gifts they give the world.

  5. Choose a difficult person in your life and observe their gestures, words, and actions that reflect their inner goodness. Be grateful for the gifts they give the world.

  7. When you want to complain, stop yourself. Instead list one thing you’ve learned from the inconvenience you would have complained about.

  9. Set an alarm and every time if goes off, think of something you are grateful for.

  11. Before you go to sleep, count the warm intentions of the people you’ve encountered throughout the day. You should sleep more soundly than usual.

  13. For five straight minutes list everything you can think of that is good in your life. Carry the list with you and read it throughout your day.

  15. Spend time with people who are grateful and positive.

Image Courtesy : photostock/

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