Hiring you as my Business Advisor is the one of the best things I’ve ever done for my business


“Hiring you as my Business Advisor is the one of the best things I’ve ever done for my business.  Through our work together I’ve become clear about what I need to do in my business to be more successful.  I know that I need to keep my eye on my Financials and not beat myself up about them when they aren’t as positive, but see it as a challenge to get better.

I know that I need to focus on building relationships with my customers and potential customers so that I get more business.  I used to think I was bothering people when I called on them to tell them what I have to offer and when I stopped by to see if they had any business for me.

I now know that’s the only way to get there business.  I’ve also learned that I need to hire and fire “right” so that I have the best people working for me.  I can’t be the best in my industry if I don’t have the best people working on my business with me.  With you on my team, I know that I am on the right track to build the business I’ve always dreamed of having.”

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