The Two Page Mini Business Plan™ – An Interview with Suzanne
Muusers, ACC, creator of a business plan system designed for busy entrepreneurs. I have used Suzanne’s Business Plan and decided to interview her about the story behind the product.
Q: Suzanne, can you tell us why you developed this unusual mini business plan?
Well Donna, I created this business plan because I had been working with an entrepreneur on his business plan for quite some time. We were getting nowhere because he just wasn’t motivated to finish the lumbering 30 page document. He actually told me that he wouldn’t likely review the finished plan much anyway because it was so cumbersome. So to get him to finish, I eliminated some of the sections that didn’t apply to him, narrowed it down so that it really only included the absolute essential sections for business growth, and “presto” the Two Page Mini Business Plan™ was born. By the way, this client loves his business plan and uses it weekly because it is concise and contains just what he needs to focus on in his business.
Q: What is included in your business plan system?
The package includes a two-page business plan template with sections for each of the six components of the plan: Vision, Mission, Brand, Meaningful Goals, Strategies, and Marketing Activities. There is a 20 page instruction book to help you complete the plan; there is a brainstorming tool “Marketing Activities Idea Bank” to help you find marketing tactics you may not have thought of; and lastly there are also two sample plans: one for a marketing consultant and another for a financial advisor practice to show you a completed plan.
Q: What’s your favorite part of the plan?
Hands down it is the Success Book! The Success Book is a Daily Action Planner designed to be used with the Meaningful Goals section of the Two Page Mini Business Plan™. The planner helps you to keep your goals “Top of Mind” and focus on the daily tasks necessary to build your business.
Q: I’ve heard that studies show that a business owner with a business plan is more likely to succeed than one without a business plan. What’s your view?
Donna, one of the biggest mistakes business owners make is not having a business plan. The reason business owners with a business plan are more successful is that they have a road map to success. If you’ve decided upon the strategies you’ll employ to grow your business you are much more likely to concentrate your efforts where they count the most rather than utilizing a stop/start approach to marketing and business building.
Q: What is your vision for the Two Page Mini Business Plan™?
My hope is that business owners who are not earning the income they want and deserve will find this tool and use it to build the business of their dreams. I want business owners to get the direction they need to get to the next level in their business success. This tool is perfect for the highly motivated entrepreneur who has put off writing a business plan but who wants success and needs a push.
More and more scientific research is coming out that the systematic practice of building gratitude will help you be happier. A new study showed that you could boost your happiness by 25% and keep it there by taking actions that build gratitude.
Here are some gratitude building exercises and actions:
- Pick one of your five senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch) and for a day use that sense to look for the gifts that the world gives you. Be thankful for these gifts.
- Pick a person you spend time with and observe their gestures, words, and actions that reflect their inner goodness. Be grateful for the gifts they give the world.
- Choose a difficult person in your life and observe their gestures, words, and actions that reflect their inner goodness. Be grateful for the gifts they give the world.
- When you want to complain, stop yourself. Instead list one thing you’ve learned from the inconvenience you would have complained about.
- Set an alarm and every time if goes off, think of something you are grateful for.
- Before you go to sleep, count the warm intentions of the people you’ve encountered throughout the day. You should sleep more soundly than usual.
- For five straight minutes list everything you can think of that is good in your life. Carry the list with you and read it throughout your day.
- Spend time with people who are grateful and positive.
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Scientific studies show that you can become happier by performing the following exercises to increase happiness. I have been sharing these exercises with my clients and they really work! The exercises come from the work of Martin Seligman,
- Three Things You Are Grateful For: List three things you are grateful for every day. Don’t forget the little things like the sun shining on the water, having time to sit quietly, or the smile on your spouse’s face. Also, write down what causes these wonderful things to exist. This exercise has been shown to lift happiness for six months.
- Appreciating Yourself: Write down at least five things that you appreciate about yourself. Also write about the positive changes you have been able to make to overcome difficulties or weaknesses.
- Gratitude Letter: Write a Gratitude letter to someone that impacted your life in a positive way. Describe concretely how this person impacted your life. Then schedule an appointment to read it to them. This exercise has been shown to increase happiness for a month. Do this every month and you could be happier all year.
- Story of You At Your Best: Write a story about a time when you were at your best. Identify the strengths you used in the incident. Review the story once a day every day for a week. Reflect on the strength you used.
- Savor a Beautiful Day: set aside a day or ½ day to do something you love to do. Sharpen the pleasure you experience in this day by savoring the moment, being mindful of the experience, sharpening your sense (what does it smell like, taste like, feel like, look like), focus fully and be absorbed by the experience, take a mental picture as a memory or keep a physical souvenir of the experience. Later, think about the experience when you are feeling depressed, anxious, or stressed out.
- Let go of Grudges: Choose one person who has done something hurtful. On a piece of paper write the person’s name in the middle and capture in a few words what the person did. Make 15 circles on the page and fill each one in with a phrase describing something the same person did that was generous and for which you are grateful. Hold the page at arm’s length, and find the balance between the way they helped and the way they hurt. It’s ok if the situation is complex.
- Build Optimism: Make a list of times when you met with failure, loss, or disappointment. Search for what good thing happened as a result of the first door closing. Practice throughout the week. When you are disappointed, look for what happened next or what happened that couldn’t have happened if the disappointment had not occurred.
- Dispute Negative Thoughts: When you have a negative thought, look for the evidence that concretely challenges the thought. Then search for alternate explanations for the challenges you face (things that are out of your control).
- Do something for someone else: “Numerous studies show that the happiest people are those who devote their lives to caring for others, rather than focusing on themselves . . .” Discover Magazine, August 2006 “Shiney Happy People.” Here are some ideas:
- Talk to the homeless
- Write letters to soldiers
- Do volunteer work
- Do an errand for a disabled neighbor
- Man a volunteer hotline
If You Have Taken the “VIA Strengths Inventory” (Values in Action) on website, here are some additional exercises to increase happiness:
- Signature Strengths Exercise: Find new ways to use your signature strengths.
- Strengths Date: Set up an outing with a friend that uses some of your signature strengths. Share how you feel about using your strength with your friend. Then set up another date where they can utilize their strengths.
Want to work on increasing your happiness with a Life Coach? Book a complimentary consultation with our Intake Coach today by clicking on the blue button at the right.
The link below will take you to a guide that will help you change your Adreneline Lifestyle to a more peaceful and healthier lifestyle. Before you review this document, you may want to take the Adreneline Self Test first.
Some of us use a continuous dose of Adrenaline to live our lives. We rush through everything, live in fear, and/or push ourselves mercilessly to accomplish everything in our overcommitted lives. This use of constant Adrenaline has been proven to cause: heart attacks, strokes, high blood pressure, digestive issues, headaches, back pain, mental illnesses (e.g., depression, anxiety disorder). Take the test below to see if you are using “Adrenaline” to run your life.
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